" Recount Redux?: What Might Happen in a Close Election" shows the results of some research by Dan Tokaji on Equal Vote Blog . Gi...
Gallaudet and deaf identity
Lennard Davis at Inside Higher Ed on "The Real Issues at Gallaudet": For non-deaf people, this issue was perhaps the hardest thin...
So ends October
This is the end of National Disability Employment Awareness Month in the U.S. The month began with U.S. Attourney General Gonzales bragging ...
Happy Halloween from Hermione
Deciding who's legitimate
Although it's been a very quiet scuffle as far as blogger disagreements go, there's been a bit of a dust-up among disabled bloggers ...
Gallaudet Board ousts Fernandez
It seems the current stand-off is over. Check out Ragged Edge for the details and links to deaf bloggers on the topic.
Saturday at The Gimp Compound
This guy just visited the suet feeder in the back yard. He's a pileated woodpecker and he's huge -- about 15". Just him today, ...
Saturday Slumgullion #16
Today's linkfest is a fun luxury for me, since I can collect the blog posts no one submitted to the Disability Carnival #2 but are too g...
Michael J. Fox and his political ads
It's been the topic of discussion everywhere this past week. Michael J. Fox's ads for three Democratic candidates aired supporting ...
Things that crack me up, #13
Visual description: A very large white man in blue jeans, a button-down shirt and a panama hat sits outdoors sleeping in his power wheelchai...
Garry Trudeau cartooning disability
I think I just made up a word there, but last Sunday's Washington Post did a rare in-depth feature story on Doonesbury cartoonist Garr...
Disability Blog Carnival #2!
Welcome to the second Disability Blog Carnival! Though this incarnation of the event is more petite than the first showing at DS,TU , I...
Things that crack me up, #12
Visual description: A variation of the international symbol of disability access, painted on the ground to indicate a disabled access parkin...