Black Gold by Soul Asylum Two boys on a playground Tryin' to push each other down See the crowd gather 'round Nothing attracts a cro...
Things that crack me up, #32
For Steve and Connie : Visual description: It's a color photo evidently taken somewhere on graduation day as many of the people in the b...
Disability Blog Carnival #17 at Planet of the Blind
The topic is humor: "Laughter, The Best Medicine." Go, already. The next carnival will be at Retired Waif on Thursday, July 12, w...
Poetry Monday: Wordgathering, Issue 2
The second issue of the online disability poetry journal Wordgathering is up with plenty to read. Here's the start of an amazing poem b...
Digital revolution excludes closed captioning
Article here . Excerpt: In the rush to create new products and make television programming available anytime, anywhere, the need for closed ...
Poor Magazine
Leroy Moore on "Race, Disability and Justice in the Media" at Poor Magazine : Although mainstream and, yes even some of our progre...
Life without legs
A commentary in the recent Minnesota Women's Press by Ka Vang on being temporarily disabled is entitled "Life without legs" ...
Things that CRACK me up, #31
Why? Well, for one thing, the frequent use of the word "crack." Also for repeated discussion of dicey, dangerous things like ...
Pedro Guzman -- Disability claim disputed
I've been checking daily for news on U.S. citizen Pedro Guzman's disappearance after police deported him in early May. There hasn...
Olmstead Anniversary and the "right to die"
Today, June 22, 2007, is the eighth anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in Olmstead v. LC and EW . LC and EW are Lois Curtis and Elain...
Like peanut butter and chocolate
Two great tastes -- together. Summer is the season of guest blogging and Bint of My Private Casbah is at Feministe this week. How deliciou...
Kevorkian's Big Lie
This is written by Diane Coleman, president of disability rights organization Not Dead Yet , from an op-ed in the North Country Gazette : E...
Poetry Monday: Eli Clare
Eli Clare has a book of poetry coming out through Homofactus Press. The Marrow's Telling: Words in Motion . Here's testimonials on ...
Slumgullion #39 -- The Jack's Back Edition
Yes, some coverage of Kevorkian's release and the assisted suicide debate: Colleen Carol Campbell at the Ethics and Public Policy Center...
Australian academics suspended over criticism of thesis on laughing at the disabled
A short summary of the story from The Courier Mail : TWO academics have been suspended without pay for six months for criticising a thesis w...
Things that crack me up, #30
Versus. . . . Squirrel goes on rampage, injures 3 Thu Jun 14, 10:42 AM ET BERLIN (Reuters) - An aggressive squirrel attacked and injured thr...
Wheelie hockey
Picture credit to omni1 at Flickr Visual description: This is a colorful drawing of wheelchair street or floor hockey. A central court has f...
Things that crack me up, #29
"This is a job for Blindness Girl!" And, her resume explained by Steve Kuusisto at (where else?) Planet of the Blind.
Pedro Guzman
This is a story that's been floating around for the past week. Penny covered it, and Belledame at Fetch Me My Axe has too. From the AC...
One in Seven
I just added to my sidebar the above icon and link to Lady Bracknell's most excellent "One in Seven" post from the 2006 BADD ...
Disability Blog Carnival #16 at PilgrimGirl
I'm really, really excited about Jana's presentation of the carnival, up today at PilgrimGirl . The theme is "Borders" an...
Movie review: Notes on a Scandal
Along with Testament , Penny mentioned in comments of an earlier review of mine that Notes on a Scandal , the 2006 psychological drama that...
Admin notes
I've added some new blogs to the sidebar: Andrea's Buzzing About Big Noise Bums & Bellybuttons Rolling Around Life The Seated Vi...
Penny tells me it's Peter Dinklage's birthday today: Photo descriptions: There are five photos of Dinklage (My Imaginary Boyfriend)...
Movie review: Testament
In the comments to my review of the movie Tiptoes , Penny mentions a 1983 movie called Testament for it's portrayal of a child with Do...
How fast does that chair go?
Or: "Don't break the speed limit." Ah, the clever things people say to you when you use a wheelchair. In Ben Carpenter's c...
Boys on Wheels
Funny or not so much? Direct YouTube link here . The lead singer of Boys on Wheels is Jesper Odelberg and he is a guy with cerebral palsy, ...
Setting the record straight about Jack
The following via email from Steven Drake of Not Dead Yet : In 1993, Jack Kevorkian told Time Magazine , “If they will allow themselves to b...
Poetry: Robert Pinsky
Below is a poem by Robert Pinsky, who served as U.S. Poet Laureate in the late '90s. The new Journal of Literary Disability also has an...
The Huffington Post: Disability advocates should get over it
I've got some other stuff to do tonight, but wanted to share the link . Excerpt: From where I sit, I don't see how compassion in dyi...