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Thursday, 6 November 2008

Info Post
I Googled "Obama wheelchair" earlier tonight in hopes of perusing pictures of Obama meeting disabled Americans on the campaign trail, but I couldn't find one. Just a cartoon of McCain in a wheelchair driving himself off of a cliff -- apt but ableist. (Yes, I know a wheelchair is not representative of all people with disabilities, but it's the quickest way to find a visual and it does represent my physical impairments.)

A similar search for "McCain wheelchair" shows that same cartoon repeatedly, McCain feeling up a seated guy's face (presumably faith-healing a military vet) and pushing his wife Cindy's chair after she had a minor stroke back in 2004. There are also McCain-less photos of disabled people getting arrested outside his Washington, D.C. office earlier this year when they tried to impress upon him the need to support our freedoms with the Community Choice Act.

So Google didn't much help me feel very represented.

And then I wander over to The 19th Floor and Mark has a photo of himself and then-Senator Obama from 2005. Image description from Mark's post, but go check out the photo, if you can:
a February 2005 photo of me and then-Senator Obama taken in the tunnels under the Capitol building in Washington, DC. Obama is standing to my left in a charcoal suit, leaning forward slightly and smiling at the camera. I'm wearing a leather jacket over a shirt and tie, my facial expression entirely too serious.
Excellent. Now I can back slowly away from the computer and go to bed.


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