For the many people googling Harriet McBryde Johnson because of her Christmas Day editoria l in The New York Times , she's mentioned on...
And . . . she's back
No, not me. I'm done with the family Christmas events but was gifted with several books, which I must read now so that I can trek to th...
Saturday Slumgullion #22 -- Best of 2006
This is the last slumgullion of 2006, and like Hugo Schwyzer , I've gathered a list of what I feel like are my best posts of the year. T...
Gone beta
I've finally been given the option to update my blogger account to the beta version and while I know this can cause some problems in com...
My people
This is the travel post I never completed in time for the last Disability Carnival over at Planet of the Blind . Lots of great posts over th...
Book meme
I've been tagged by IrrationalPoint for this book meme, which will offer a little taste of the book review I'm currently working on...
Finding the language, making the connection
I've written in the past about being a disabled person before disability studies provided a real forum for discussing social issues abo...
Carnival reminders
In case you missed it, the Fifth Disability Carnival is out over at Planet of the Blind . The topic is disability and travel, and the variet...
Tasered, trampled and beaten for being disabled
These are three recent stories, one from Pontiac Michigan, one from Gaza, and one from St. Paul, Minnesota: "Arrested for epilespy...
Kevorkian paroled
After serving eight years of a 10-to-20-year sentence for second-degree murder, Jack Kevorkian is expected to be free on June 1, 2007. Alth...
Saturday Slumgullion #21 -- Currency Edition
The original news from AP via CBS News : In late November, a federal judge ruled that United States paper currency discriminates against bli...
This week at the Gimp Compound
It's been busy around here. On Monday I spent time with four new nurses who will be helping me out. It's been hard for the home heal...
Bob Sampson RIP
To be honest, I didn't know about Bob Sampson until my sister sent me this link, but he was a remarkable man who died at age 81 this pas...
Saturday Slumgullion #20
Three Guardian articles from the last two weeks -- 1) Identity crisis: Is the disability movement headed in the wrong direction? 2) Disab...
Corbet on nursing homes: Embedded
From Tim Gilmer, the current editor of New Mobility magazine : Exciting news: a well-known magazine that claims to have the "world...
Last year
My motivation to blog has been limited lately. I think this is related to an on-going preoccupation with what my life was like last year at ...
Things that crack me up, #15
A google search leading here: "post dramatic stress."
Looking for a new blog to love?
Neither of these blogs are new -- just new to my blogroll -- but check out Gordon's D-Zone and Brainhell .
International Day of Disabled 2006
December 3 -- today -- is the International Day for Disabled Persons as declared by the United Nations some years ago. At the very least, th...
Wednesday gimp blogging
Before Thanksgiving, I had another Parts Replacement Week -- my three-month feeding tube swap and a trach switch. Both went extremely smooth...
Get yer philanthropy on
Stumped for holiday gift giving ideas? Here are three organizations where you can donate in honor of someone you love: Women for Women Inter...
Going Native: Health care
I didn't get to everything I wanted to cover last week, so I'll keep posting until I'm done with my little series on Native Amer...
On feet and feminism
Lacking originality today, I point you toward the excellent writing of Sara at Moving Right Along , who uses the meme "Five things femi...
Saturday Slumgullion #19
On Native Americans, indigenous peoples and the blogging of others on Thanksgiving and related things: Deconstructing the myths of the first...
Thanksgiving tradition as seen through Indian eyes
TiyospayesNow writes in "Thanksgiving, Hope and the Hidden Heart of Evil" : When the Pilgrims came to Plymouth Rock, they were poo...
Visit the Disability Carnival #4
The newest installment of the Disability Carnival is up over at Diary of a Goldfish . Great reading for the long holiday weekend there, so c...
Going Native: Thanksgiving Day
During grad school I read Oglala Sioux Russell Means' autobiography Where White Men Fear to Tread as part of a three-student special co...
Going Native: Native women, their rights and violence
A mini-slumgullion of links today on the topic of Native American women's rights and domestic violence: TiyospayeNow: Fire Thunder Impea...
Going Native: Disabled veterans
Native Americans have a long and impressive history of serving in the U.S. military. General George Washington noted their service long befo...