Breaking News
Saturday, 4 November 2006

Info Post
Special election slumgullion here:

Catherine Komp at The New Standard gives the basic story on the difficulties of voting for many disabled people.

Not really about disability, but I'm putting it out there anyway -- A voting guide for transgender folks, especially important where voter ID is required and names changes or appearance may complicate proof of who you are. And a reiteration of this very important information:
If you are told that you cannot vote for any reason, insist on a provisional ballot and immediately contact The Election Protection Coalition at 1-866-OUR-VOTE.
Greg A. Lohr of Style Weekly in Richmond, VA, writes about a suit against the state by two people with mental illnesses who claim they were denied the right to vote.

Sarah Arnquist in the SanLuis Obispo Tribune in Cali covers the fight for disabled people who use stamps for their signatures on official documents to have their absentee ballots accepted as legitimate. Via Ragged Edge

Nicola M. White of The Tampa Tribune
covers the campaign of Donovan Brown, a Democrat running for seat in state House District 61 of Florida. Brown openly discusses his problems with mental illness currently and in the past.

In case you missed it, here's the late October drama following a Montana debate among candidates for the U.S. House ended with one candidate apologizing to another for saying she'd slap him if he wasn't in a wheelchair.

Most recently, the NYT endorsed Brooke Ellison for the NY Senate, but her alma mater paper The Harvard Crimson, carries the story of the paralyzed woman's political ambitions too.

And, regular slumgullion stuff here:

Time magazine reviews the new movie about the life of Diane Arbus, starring Nicole Kidman. It's called Fur, and the review is quite unkind.

Check out Bint Alshama of My Private Casbah's Thursday Thirteen: "13 fun things to do when you have incurable cancer" for a little laugh.

Liz Spikol at The Trouble with Spikol offers up the Detroit Free Press article on the JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) report on suicide and African-Americans.

Courtesy of Lady Bracknell, who occasionally perorates, here's the brief horror story of a mishap with public transit.

Goldfish at The Diary of a Goldfish offers a different spin than mine on the disability hierarchy.

Kathy Podgers at From the Port writes about her service animal being banned in Cambridge City Council, apparently because of another person's allergies.

Sara at Moving Right Along tells about going for a long walk and meeting her hubris in the two-part post "Art Therapy, or, Stair Descent and Downhill Walking Addendum." At least her hubris meets her head-on, I say. Mine tends to be sneaking and lurking until it decides to run up and smack me. Also, be sure to see Sara's thoughtful and knowledgable comments about Tammy Duckworth here.

Bill Stothers looks at Jerry Lewis apparently getting a clue. (! ?)

And finally, don't forget the Disability Blog Carnival #3 at David's place, deadline this coming Monday.


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