A smart outspoken woman, she will be sorely missed. A reminder of what she gave us: "What you need is sustained outrage...there's ...
Midweek slumgullion #26
Thought-provoking reads from across the pond, courtesy of Ouch! : From the New Statesman: "Funny peculiar" -- Mat Fraser on disab...
Eyes on whose prize, part 2
It was during the transphobia/delink Twisty debates across feminist bloglandia last December that Kactus at Superbabymama happened to note ...
One of the perks. . .
of having a disability -- some specific impairment (take your pick) -- is that you get to say original, thought-provoking things like this:...
Eyes on whose prize
I want to speak my own truth, and honor the words of others when they speak theirs. I want to be an ally, but I don't want to get in the...
Holocaust memorial day
Today is the 62nd anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp of WWII and an international day of remembrance of the Holocaus...
On being a good girl
Posted to the latest Disability Carnival at DisStudies, Temple U, Dave Hingsburger of Chewing the Fat writes about "The Good Girl...
Saturday Slumgullion #25
Peter Singer's op-ed on Ashley X: A Convenient Truth . One story of ADA compliance failures and a school district in Charlottesville, NC...
Disability Carnival #7 is up at Penny's!
The theme is Disability History and Disability in the Arts , so rock on over and enjoy!
Flying rodents of unusual size
Last week, I described the pre-dinner events of my 20th birthday. And the banana balloon capture caper. Dinner itself was fun too. Marian, ...
Things that crack me up, #17
Behind some Google searches, there is mystery. This search led here: "maybe i needed 70 years of life to get ready for a woman like hel...
Various NPR disability stories
Label falls short for those with mental retardation by Joseph Shapiro. Excerpt: The term mental retardation was supposed to be an improveme...
Things that crack me up, #16
Well, not so much cracked up this time, as surprised by something I did not know : Not only was John (Cougar) Mellencamp born with a mild fo...
Jury duty update
My post from last September about being summoned for jury duty always gets a few Google hits per day, so I thought I'd provide an updat...
Radical Day of Fun
In preparation for my 20th birthday, my roommate and friend Marian warned me I was being taken out to dinner, so I should reserve that Satur...
Slumgullionish miscellanea (#24)
William Peace's "Protest from a bad cripple: The Ashley Treatment and the making of a pillow angel" in CounterPunch : Doctors...
I've just found this . It's a program that provides a virtual keyboard that I can type on with my mouse. Yay! Seems to work and it...
Transgender story on All My Children
From the Texarkana Gazette : The story that AMC has weaved with the telling of Zoe’s tale has been wonderful. Amazing. And it surprises me. ...
Yesterday's list of glorious gimpiness failed to mention my fabulous elbows, one of which I lean on to type. Today it registers jealous...
. . . And you're tired too
But really, this article out of the Beach Center for Disability at Kansas University is the best discussion of the issues the Ashley X case...
Glorious Me
A couple of days ago Zuzu at Feministe challenged her readers to reveal what they love about their bodies: We’re conditioned, particularly ...
Blind Rage and the legacy of Helen Keller
It wasn't until I began reading Georgina Kleege's Blind Rage: Letters to Helen Heller that I realized my own ambivalence to the dea...
Patston on Ashley
This is short , but worth reading.
Teaching "The Elephant Man"
Conspicuously missing from yesterday's slumgullion: Stephen at Planet of the Blind briefly reviews the movie by David Lynch and how it ...
Saturday Slumgullion #23
Flea at One Good Thing answers an email with questions about raising a child with obsessive compulsive behavior. Scroll down to the "D...
I am tired
Because fear and hatred of disabled people hides in people's hearts in the same way as sexism, transphobia and racism: Ashley is not a ...
The 6th Disability Carnival is up!
Head over to The Life and Times of Emma to see the carnival's collection of writings on relationships and disability. It's divided ...
On the Chicago protest against AMA
From the Associated Press A report from protestor and FRIDA member Amber Smock on the events of the day: We targeted the AMA because it san...
Bush won't renominate anti-disability rights judge for appeals court
The Associated Press reports that : In a concession to the Senate's new Democratic majority, President Bush won't rename four contro...
Disability bloggers quoted on CNN
Earlier this week, David at Growing up with a Disability , Penny of Disability Studies, Temple U. , and Nufsaid at Ramblings were noted by ...
Fun has now been penciled into the schedule -- Pass it on
Therefore, be it resolved that January 19th, befittingly a Friday shall be Radical Fun Day.
On occupation
I've been putting off writing about this for many weeks now because I wanted to express the connections between disability and war and o...
Screen all pregnancies
An article in The New York Times reports that the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists now recommends that all pregnant wo...
FRIDA protests Ashley Treatment at AMA tomorrow
From the press release : At 1 p.m. on Thursday, January 11, Feminist Response in Disability Activism (FRIDA), with the support of other dis...
Once more for 2006
Inclusion Daily Express lists the top disability rights news stories in the U.S. for 2006. Less obvious stories about disability rights tha...
Like a sieve, only not so much
I had that ABG draw this morning, as scheduled , to determine if recent dizziness is caused by my ventilator settings or something else. Tha...