Breaking News
Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Info Post
Instead of responding to that last thread tonight, I want to wander around and read what other contributors to the Blogging Against Disablism Day extravaganza have said. The gateway to everybody's posts is at Goldfish's place. I count 119 participants over there so far.

Also, there's exciting stuff happening in Washington, DC, this week. ADAPT has been fundraising, protesting, getting arrested, working for support for hearings on the Community Choice Act (CCA, S 799 and H.R. 1621). The purpose of the bill is to break the control of the powerful nursing home lobby on Medicaid funding for long-term care. As the law currently stands, many people are forced into institutions to receive funding assistance for nursing care that they could receive at home. I'll write more on this soon, but follow the ongoing ADAPT Action here.

Visual description: The image above belongs to ADAPT, an acronym that used to stand for American Disabled for Accessible Public Transit before the passage of the ADA. The acronym now stands for American Disabled For Attendant Programs Today. The image shows a wheelchair stick person reminiscent of the universal access symbol except her arms are upraised and breaking the chain binding them together. The acronym looms large in the background in bright blue.


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