Breaking News
Friday, 15 February 2008

Info Post

Over at A Creative Revolution, The Gimp Parade has been nominated for a Canadian F-Word Blog Award under the category of Best International Feminist Blog. (Thank you, Matt Bastard for the nomination.)

Disability blogs and the blogs of many of our great allies are well-represented throughout the categories. Competing with me in the same category, for example, are Bint's My Private Casbah, Daisy's Dead Air, As The Tumor Turns (Lymphopo/Grannie has kicked cancer's ass so seriously she's decided she doesn't need to blog about it anymore for now, btw), and Ms. Crip Chick, as well as many other people I love and blogs I love to read. Elizabeth's Screw Bronze! is nominated under Individual Blogs.

The first round of voting is now -- February 15-16. The final round of voting will be February 22-23 with winners announced on the 24th. To vote, go to the main nominations page and follow each link on the right sidebar to vote in each category.

And while you're over there, check out A Creative Revolution's fundraising initiative for WISE:

WISE (Wellbeing through Inclusion Socially and Economically) is one of many organizations who have been mightily screwed by Canada's Eww Government's cruel and unnecessary cuts to the SWC, because of the need to toss some raw meat to their socially conservative, classist, anti-woman base. WISE needs your generous help more than ever to continue providing leadership, training, awareness, and advocacy for low income women across Canada.

We know that you would help women in need out of the goodness of your heart - there is no doubt about that. However, to sweeten the deal, we have added a super-fantastic raffle which will entice you to give more!
Many disabled women are in the low income category of women WISE seeks to assist, of course. If the joy of voting for some of your favorite bloggers doesn't encourage you to make a small donation, maybe ACR's prize to the winner of a raffle for donators will get you interested: "It's a pair of fabulous, bodacious, hand-knit Teutonic Titpillows!" (Visual description of the image at the fundraising post link: Just what you might imagine. Two hand-knit plump-but-perky white-girl boobs.)


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