Breaking News
Friday, 2 May 2008

Info Post
I had a hard time choosing one topic for this year's BADD. There's the presidential candidates' disability policies, McCain's refusal to even listen to the concerns of disabled Americans worried about institutionalization, funding cutbacks sure to threaten the mobility and health of disabled Americans (and all Americans) even more in the future.

A judge in Kentucky recently found a man named Ohmer Portwood guilty of breaking the pedestrian code for driving his wheelchair in the road, even though Portwood reportedly has nowhere else to be because of a lack of safe and accessible sidewalks. The judge declared that the city of Lancaster's failure to comply with the ADA was a separate issue.

Pharmaceutical companies lie for profit, children are given shock therapy, returning military vets are discharged without adequate health care.

And yet, the greatest example of disablism at work in the world today is this immoral war in Iraq that terrifies, maims, and kills while also destroying the existing social structure of supports that could help manage the everyday needs of Iraqi citizens. Maybe it sounds like a stretch to call civilian war casualties disablism in action, but what is disableist policy if not a policy that holds the lives, bodies and minds of others so cheaply?

What follows are 20 photos, mostly of Iraqi children.* Some are very hard to look at -- consider this a trigger warning. I've added my usual image descriptions for accessibility for all but they are limited to descriptions of what I see and lack specifics of time and place. Feel free to comment if you see something different in the images.

Image description: A young girl -- no more than three-years-old -- is in the foreground being carried by an adult. In the background, behind other people, are black trails of clouds from something burning. The girl is frightened and crying.

Image description: Under a sky blackened by sooty clouds, a tank follows a family that flees. A man and three children all hold hands as they move toward the camera. The background appears to be all desert. They carry nothing with them.

Image description: A close-up of a young girl facing the camera, her eyes brimming and wet with tears. In the background a military tank comes down the street.

Image description: A boy and girl, both perhaps age five, stand before a man in full military gear who runs a metal-detecting wand in front of the girl's chest. She stands with arms outstretched so the man can sweep her for explosives.

Image description: In the foreground, the torso of a man standing in full military gear and carrying a machine gun. In the background a child, perhaps four-years-old, sits, with both hands raised to cover her face.

Image description: A young girl (maybe six?) sits cross-legged, arms wrapped to hug herself and cries, open-mouthed. A cinder block wall next to her is spattered with blood and just in front of her an adult lies in the grass, with only his feet and calves visible in the photo.

Image description: A girl, maybe eight-years-old, sits cross-legged on a cushion, crying in anguish (and perhaps, pain) as she faces the camera. Her face and neck are spattered with blood, and the front of her pink shirt is wet with blood, as well.

Image description: A bearded man sits on a bed's bare mattress wearing only an undershirt and shorts. His feet are bare and dirty. He cradles a small child in his arms. The child appears to be unconscious and wears only an olive t-shirt and a white bandage over the top half of his head, with blood soaking through at the top.

Image description: A toddler lies on his back on a bed, his right arm covered in heavy white bandages and his shirt pulled up to reveal another bandage on his chest. He is crying.

Image description: A pretty girl (maybe eight?) lies on her side looking solemnly to the camera. The hand of her arm that lies along the pillow before her face is heavily bandaged.

Image description: A girl, perhaps ten-years-old, lies stretched on a gurney. One hand is bandaged and the other holds a child's drawing. Her bare legs show serious, deep wounds, with about half of both her right knee and left ankle missing as if very large bites of flesh were taken from each.

Image description: A child of three or four lies sleeping on her side, face nestled against the hip of an adult. Her left knee and foot are lightly bandaged, and the right leg is heavily bandaged from the top down to where it ends above the ankle.

Image description: A young boy lies, half-unconscious, with a bandage over his nose possibly holding a naso-gastric tube in place. His entire torso is covered in heavy bandages. In the background a woman sits keeping vigil.

Image description: A boy lays on a bare mattress, on his stomach but resting his upper body on his elbows. The white clothes he wears are all stained with blood, as are his hair, face and legs. He stares pensively off-camera.

Image description: A man in Arab dress carries an unconscious girl past a jumble of bodies in the background. The girl's clothes are torn and a grotesque jumble of flesh and bone hangs where her right foot should be.

Image description: A man carries a girl in a school uniform across a courtyard. She is crying and blood runs across her face, down her bare legs and across her sandals.

Image description: A close-up of a girl's face as she stares blankly toward the camera. While her eyes appear undamaged, the skin of her forehead, nose and cheeks is badly damaged, perhaps burned.

Image description: Two women, one in a white medical coat and the other an older woman in Arab dress, stand over a toddler laying on a table crying. Heavy bandages cover the child's torso and crotch. The child's left leg is entirely missing.

Image description: A boy lies in a bed on his back. His heavily-bandaged left forearm is raised to rest across his forehead. His right arm ends a few inches below the elbow with the bare stump in the foreground. His torso is a mass of stitches and bandages, with a chest tube adhering to his right abdomen.

Image description: A boy lies in bed on a colorful blanket, conscious and trying hard not to cry as a hand wipes his cheek. A bandage is wrapped around his forehead. Both of his arms are almost completely missing, with the stumps in white bandages. His chest and abdomen are covered in what seems like a white paste, though the black burned skin is clearly visible beneath the salve.

*Given that these photos were mined from the internet, it's certainly possible they are not all of children in Iraq under the current occupation. But I found them on sites that presented them as such, and they are, if nothing else, all photos of children living under violent circumstances, many in the clear presence of military occupation that leads to their great injury and harm. My BADD post is late because I was trying to find mainstream media news sources for these photos that might include photo credit and caption info. That's proven difficult but I'll happily accept any info on any of these photos' origins that anyone might have.While these photos were at various sites, they were also grouped together at a site called Children of Iraq, where dozens of similar ones can be seen.


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