Before Thanksgiving, I had another Parts Replacement Week -- my three-month feeding tube swap and a trach switch. Both went extremely smooth...
Get yer philanthropy on
Stumped for holiday gift giving ideas? Here are three organizations where you can donate in honor of someone you love: Women for Women Inter...
Going Native: Health care
I didn't get to everything I wanted to cover last week, so I'll keep posting until I'm done with my little series on Native Amer...
On feet and feminism
Lacking originality today, I point you toward the excellent writing of Sara at Moving Right Along , who uses the meme "Five things femi...
Saturday Slumgullion #19
On Native Americans, indigenous peoples and the blogging of others on Thanksgiving and related things: Deconstructing the myths of the first...
Thanksgiving tradition as seen through Indian eyes
TiyospayesNow writes in "Thanksgiving, Hope and the Hidden Heart of Evil" : When the Pilgrims came to Plymouth Rock, they were poo...
Visit the Disability Carnival #4
The newest installment of the Disability Carnival is up over at Diary of a Goldfish . Great reading for the long holiday weekend there, so c...
Going Native: Thanksgiving Day
During grad school I read Oglala Sioux Russell Means' autobiography Where White Men Fear to Tread as part of a three-student special co...
Going Native: Native women, their rights and violence
A mini-slumgullion of links today on the topic of Native American women's rights and domestic violence: TiyospayeNow: Fire Thunder Impea...
Going Native: Disabled veterans
Native Americans have a long and impressive history of serving in the U.S. military. General George Washington noted their service long befo...
Going Native for the week
In honor of the very white, colonial American holiday of Thanksgiving, all posts this week will be about Native Americans (or possibly indig...
"Web accessibility" for the disabled vs. for everyone
In the comments to my recent post , "Deciding who's legitimate," Zara provides some interesting information of web accessibili...
Saturday Slumgullion #18
Cleaning out my mailbag of interesting links: The cover story for Time magazine , Oct. 2, 2006: "My Right Hand" by Michael Weissk...
The real Diane Arbus and "Fur"
The subtitle for the new biopic "Fur," starring Nicole Kidman, is "An imaginary portrait of Diane Arbus." Negative rev...
Updating blogroll
I'm working on adding fresh links to my sidebar and I'm removing some that seem to have been inactive for a long time. Any correctio...
Is disabled accessibility a feminist issue?
The above question is another google search that led here even though I don't have any posts that address this specifically. So, I thoug...
Call for submissions to Superfest
Someday I am going to Superfest. Yes I am. SUPERFEST International Disability Film Festival Calls for Submissions: Your Opportunity to Contr...
Kuusisto on Beauty
Go to The Washington Post and read "The Beauty Myth" by Stephen Kuusisto. Excerpt to entice: It's not that I'm inured to ...
Things that crack me up, #14
Sitemeter shows a google search that ended up here: "Why do the disabled wear shoes?" What do you think? What's your excuse?
Friday gimp blogging
Jay Sennett tagged me for a great art meme recently (and I'll get to that in full, eventually), but due to my mandatory post-hospital ...
Hate crime in New Mexico
COMMUNITY ALERT ABOUT A RECENT HATE CRIME PLEASE POST WIDELY An open letter to our communities from “Elliott” (a pseudonym), Kate Loewe ...
Go ahead, get shot
It's that time of year to get your flu shot, and possibly help save the life of a person vulnerable to life-threatening illness through ...
Disability Carnival #3 is up!
The Disability Carnival #3 on the theme of spirituality is up at David Gaye's blog Growing Up With a Disability today. An excellent co...
My vote today
I wasn't compelled by election officials to use the electronic voting machine, but I was offered it's use. I declined. And I didn...
Vote anyway
I wonder if I'll be compelled to use an electronic voting machine tomorrow. They haven't existed at my rural precinct before and I...
My déjà vu
Wednesday, November 8, 1989 was a beautiful day in Tempe, AZ, with the sky a cloudless blue. I was up early, waiting at the front desk of Pa...