Breaking News
Wednesday, 7 March 2007

Info Post
First, the tweaking of my blogroll continues since I switched to the new Blogger version in early January (and inadvertantly lost the whole list) and I keep finding gimp sites that were delinked and I've forgotten to relink. For Maude's sake, just last week I realized I had overlooked New Mobility magazine when I rebuilt my blogroll! If you've got a disability blog that used to be linked here, is reasonably active or has good archives, and are no longer linked, please let me know! It's an error, not a dismissal.

Second, when I did switch to the new Blogger version, it began telling me on my dashboard page that I have 19 comments in moderation. Since I've never moderated comments (I delete spam as it shows up and am so far not popular enough for it to be more than a couple per day to archived posts), this has puzzled me. And try as I might, I couldn't make the new improved version of Blogger show me these 19 comments.

Until now! When some random button pushing to turn on comment moderation allowed me to view the comments I am not trying to moderate. Isn't Blogger swell? Anyway, there are 19 comments -- all from May and June of 2006 -- that have finally been freed from their mysterious prison. I apologize to those who made them, especially since some of them merited further discussion or responses I'll be attempting shortly. Go check them out.

Or stay here and mock this delicious comment, one of the Liberated 19:
Concerned said...

Dear Lady,
I feel sorry for you...and not for the reasons you think. Your disabilties are of no importance to me. One of my good friends is a quadrapoligic. My sorrow is for your sorrow. You are very angered at all the people who have hurt you over the years. Most articles you have are not for the fight or movement of disabilities yet for the emptiness and loniness of them. I will pray for you and want you to know that if you need someone to chat with please write. My email is and my name is AJ. Have a blessed day and please do not hesitate to write.


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