Breaking News
Thursday, 22 March 2007

Info Post
I posted about baby Emilio Gonzales on Wednesday, but here's a petition to sign for him. It does appear that public attention and involvement has had an effect so far.

Emilio has not gotten much national mainstream media attention so far, but for further info on the Texas futile care law, which was signed into law by then-Governor George W. Bush, you can check out the ever-dubious Wiki as a starting point. It lists several cases that have come under the Texas law since it was signed: Sun Hudson, Tirhas Habtegiris, Andrea Clark, and Baby Emilio.

Sun was the infant of a mentally ill woman and the first American child to be refused medical care against his parent's wishes. Habtegiris was an African immigrant woman who couldn't pay her medical bills, and Clark was a 54-year-old heart patient.

It's fairly clear that this law is principally applied to people without resources, since there have been no cases of people dying under this law who were, for example, adult white males or terminally ill people who can better pay their bills or access adequate insurance. This is euthanasia for the poor.


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